was the best example I've ever seen of the Frozen Chosen not being frozen,
while still being frozen. In fact, I’m not
sure this concept exists anywhere other than South Africa. Possibly only in my brain in South
Africa. It’s truly a sight to
behold. To worship in the morning, I
wore two layers and my puffy jacket with scarf and gloves. The rest of the congregation was similarly
dressed…inside. Again, there is no
indoor heat here, and everyone leaves doors and windows open all the time. We are very cold.
yet, as the music starts, I see these good Presbyterians raise their hands in
the air, waving them around, swaying back and forth, eyes closed…I just stood
there. And then, to my great surprise,
when we started singing The Battle Hymn of the Republic (again) one woman
elbowed her way out of her row, grabbed all her friends and started marching
around the sanctuary. I think the only
people left in their pews by the time it was over were me and the people in
wheel chairs (who are not technically in a pew). Frozen chosen, my behind.
night, at the 6:30 service, I was slated to preach. After a few rounds with readers and edits and
whatnot, I had my sermon ready. The
evening service does about half an hour of praise band music and prayer, and I,
being the preacher, sat awkwardly on the front pew with no one even remotely
close to me. Again, I just stood there,
and I’m sure my awkwardness was apparent to people in the next town over. When the music was over, the pastor got up
out of his pew to come and tell me it was time to go preach. That was a little embarrassing, but I made an
awkward Bethany joke (read: unfunny, but I think they laughed out of pity)
about it and we moved on. I praught
(you’re welcome, Sarah…I brought that to South Africa). It went well.
People had very nice things to say.
So, my first sermon in South Africa is under my belt. Eight more to go (yes, you read that right,
I’m preaching nine times).
you’re interested, I’ll post the sermon text.
It’s too late to make any changes, so just love it for what it is, Matt
I think
my win for the weekend, even on top of being a talisman for the Stormers, was
the fourteen year old who said she enjoyed my sermon. Everyone said they enjoyed it, they needed to
hear it, they struggle with the same things, etc… But they’re grown-ups and I expect them to
pay attention for fifteen minutes (even though I often don’t). But this girl, who every time I made eye
contact with her looked away, gave me a big hug and said how wonderful she
thought it was. Melt.
An awkward Bethany joke......no way!!!