Saturday, June 1, 2013

Potter Puppet Pals

I SLEPT IN!!!  After struggling to adjust, sleeping weird hours and not really having any sense of the time or day, I finally had a day to sleep in and I slept in hard.  It was like Christmas (literally, because it's cold here) and my birthday (which is actually coming up) rolled into one.  I love, love, loved it!!

Then I just hung out.  There was really nothing interesting to report for most of the day, until I tried to start working on my sermon.  The folks I'm staying with also have other house guests, and I had been hanging out, talking to all of them most of the day.  As I sat down to work they all said, "Let's go wine tasting!"  I looked at my computer, and up at them, and back to my computer, and up at them...

The vineyard was about five minutes from the house.  We tasted about seven different wines, and I bought two bottles.  One of the other house guests said, "Those can be yours to just keep in your room and drink."  Score!

Last night was youth, which I still find odd.  They have youth group on Friday nights starting at 7, and all the kids are finally gone by about 11.  I seriously don't know what to do with that.  But the kids are all friends and just really like to hang out together...on Friday night.  So we're all sitting around talking and Harry Potter comes up.  One of the kids say, "Have you ever seen Potter Puppet Pals??"  I, being the hip, up to date youth leader that I am, have.  And then they start singing the song.  If you haven't seen it...

You're welcome.


  1. what about the sermon???

    1. Don't worry, it got finished and it currently in the capable hands of readers.

      Who is this? I know a lot of Anonymouses.

  2. Dumbledore!

    Just sat down to read your sermon draft now.
