WHALES!!!!!! We went to see whales.
I saw no whales.
As I'm standing on the cliff, waiting to see a whale, I turn to one of my people and say, "Where are the whales? Why aren't they entertaining me?" She laughed. I still can't figure out why. I was totally serious.
So, I guess technically whales aren't stupid (I mean, they're no dolphin, but still), and I may have expected more out of them than they were able to give yesterday, but how many chances am I going to get to see whales in South Africa? My guess...one. This was my only chance.
I should maybe pretend I did see them. Though my imagination really isn't all that great.
But because I didn't see any whales, here's a picture of something I did see.

Okay, I didn't really see a tiger. But I had to do something to make you laugh. You're welcome.
Hermanus is also good for cage-diving with Great White Sharks...just saying.